Free & Open Source in Europe

Perrick Penet, No Parking

PHP Conference, Vancouver, 2007

Where are we in software ?

  1. Microsoft : 25 235M Euros
  2. IBM : 12 635M Euros
  3. Oracle : 7 410M Euros
  4. SAP : 5 958M Euros
  5. Symantec : 3 300M Euros
  6. EMC : 3 185M Euros
  7. Computer Associates : 2 815M Euros
  8. HP : 1 975M Euros

french in top 20 ? Dassault Systems (defense) and Business Objects

Where are we in services (in France) ?

  1. IBM : 2 042M Euros
  2. Capgemini : 1 667M Euros
  3. Atos Origin : 1 526M Euros
  4. Unilog / LogicaCMG : 794M Euros
  5. Accenture : 770M Euros
  6. Altran : 669M Euros
  7. HP services : 637M Euros
  8. Sopra Group : 573M Euros
  9. France Telecom : 505M Euros
  10. Steria : 483M Euros

Where is he from ?

Linus Torvalds == Linux

Guido van Rossum == Python

Rasmus Lerdorf == PHP

Michael 'Monty' Widenius == MySQL

Linux developers per capita

Linux developers per capita, in Europe

Gnome developers per capita

Gnome developers per capita, in Europe

FLOSS developers (in Sourceforge)

FLOSS leaders (in Debian)

FLOSS migrants


online education with philosophy, fork, betrayals and grants in between

32 languages


liberté, égalité, forké

40 languages

Open Source at the Belgian Ministry of Finances

In order to minimize the dependance to services business and software companies, and still guarantee the long term support of all applications, the availality of the source code is essential [...] Moreover federal agencies will try to avoid any dependance upon proprietary platforms.

PHP5 at the Belgian Ministry of Finances

The DGME - French government

Goals :

  1. Simplify the relation between the people and the public sector
  2. Improve its efficiency
  3. Promote civil servants' mission

Reference frame (close to a law) on interoperability, security and accessibility

Software philosophy at the DGME

Main criterias : internal resources, budget, available time.

Bonus with Open Source : local (cheaper and easier to maintain).

Open Source tools at the DGME

Economic impact of FLOSS on innovation and competitiveness of the EU ICT sector

While the U.S. has the edge in terms of large FLOSS-related businesses, the greater individual contribution from Europe has led to an increasing number of globally successful European FLOSS small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Economic impact of FLOSS [...]

Given Europe's historically lower ability to create new software businesses compared to the US, due to restricted venture capital and risk tolerance, the high share of European FLOSS developers provides a unique opportunity to create new software businesses and reach towards the Lisbon goals of making Europe the most competitive knowledge economy by 2010.

Anything else

We'll be back here... with SHIFT + ESC + h

Business models

double license / full Open Source / training / services / hosting / on-demand

Start-ups and the rest of the converstation

Vecosys UK - a conversation about European startups

Techcrunch FR - explorons le Web2.0

Legal stuff & licenses

The reason the FSF does not approve these translations as officially valid is that checking them would be difficult and expensive (needing the help of bilingual lawyers in other countries).

Promoting FOSS

Pascal Chevrel receiving the PC Pro award in name of the Mozilla Project

association loi 1901

Firefox in Europe 2005-05

Firefox in Europe 2006-11

Software patents

Without software patents, Europe could save costs, foster innovation, enhance security, and create jobs

French RGI

OpenDocument +? OpenXML


Official adoption of FOSS

OpenOffice deployments

Questions ? Queries ?

Perrick Penet

email [fr | en] :

box [fr] : No Parking

blog [fr] : :: onpk ::

contrib [en] : SimpleTest

community [fr | en] : AFUP | PHPLondon