Prepare for whiplash

dimanche 22 mars 2020 :: perrick :: Notes :: aucun commentaire :: aucun trackback

Une diatribe de Michael Ballé :

We need lean thinking and lean thinkers more than ever. We need people who put customers, here patients and caregivers first. People who understand how supply chains work and have firsthand familiarity with the Forrester effect and how to counter it. We need people who are experienced with flexibility in operations and know how to modify buildings and equipment to make new stuff out of existing operations. And we need people with the coordinating know-how that understand that vast undertakings can’t work with bureaucratic command-and-control systems but need collaboration and teamwork.

Je vous avais déjà parler des logisticiens : parmi eux, on aura besoin en particulier de ceux qui comprennent l'effet « coup de fouet ». Il est encore temps de s'y familiariser.

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