David Epstein Makes the Case for Being a Generalist
vendredi 24 mai 2019 :: perrick :: Notes :: aucun commentaire :: aucun trackbackBrad Stulberg s'entretient avec David Epstein sur son livre Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World dans le blog Outside
Outside of sports, I think there is still tremendous untapped value for the kind of coaching that already occurs inside of sports. I would love to have a coach walking hand-in-hand with me as I try to learn about myself and improve my writing, the same way I did when I was running. I think there is a grand total of zero professions that couldn’t benefit from coaching. I think most of us, when we become competent, keep doing the same things over and over. We get stuck in a rut of competence because we gravitate toward ease and convenience. We have to vary up our challenges to avoid plateaus, and I think coaches can really help with that.
Entre Peggy qui a longtemps cherché quelqu'un pour l'accompagner dans son projet d'écriture (et qui l'a fait pour d'autres d'ailleurs) et la communauté Lean qui insiste très fortement sur le rôle du Sensei (à explorer dans le très bon petit livre The Lean Sensei), cela résonne très fort avec ma pratique du quotidien.
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